Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Lot Going On

It seems there has been a lot going on the past two weeks. My first project for face to face facilitation is done, there has been much to read and absorb, I did my first class session with Wimba and my first experience with online facilitation. The face to face facilitation was a little more challenging than I thought at first. The presentation went well and I had no problem filling 30 minutes, but was a bit disappointed that I did speak more then I prefer. I did stir some interest because three class mates asked for a copy of the articles I offered, which helped me realize that they were listening. I do so much with teleconferences at work that I have lost a bit of my ability to read the face to face audience. Is that possible?
It's been a challenge keeping up with the reading and absorbing all the great material that is offered. I have been able to apply much of what I have read to my workplace. For example, there is a facilitator who is accustomed to face to face work in the field with Sales Representatives and she is challenged by losing her visual clues. She also missed the mark on building rapport, Salmon's first step, but I am able to give her some tactics to use and relate what she needs to do to her selling situations.
It was great to hear directly from Dr Keller about the ARCS model. I have a better understanding of what it is and plan to read more, after the semester is over.
My first online facilitation felt clunky, as if I was a pink elephant in the room. It is challenging reading all the posts and weaving, as well. I am hoping I will feel more comfortable on the next one.

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